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Det är det lilla som gör stora skillnaden

I många år har Liljana Magno kämpat med att hitta en fungerande livsstil med fungerande kost, efter en tid med Victor Kaiser som kostrådgivare blev hennes kostrutiner tydligare med kraftigt minskat sötsug som följd. ”En annan sak som jag upplevde hjälpte mig efter sessionerna med Victor var att det blev lättare med veckoplaneringen och jag sparade både tid och pengar eftersom jag inte småhandlade längre ” Ytterligare en stor fördel jag upplevde med att gå hos Victor var att kostrådgivningen…
Victor Kaiser
3 januari, 2023

Calvin Keyser Allen

My next video interview is Calvin Keyser Allen, he is Personal Trainer with several additional educations with focus on crossfit. He is a Crossfit star himself and has competed in Crossfit Games and Regionals. He is also a Very good and experienced Coach, take his clients to the next level and adapt the training to his clients. He recently bacame a dad and is still passionate about training as always. Our interview on Saturday will be a bit shorter than…
Victor Kaiser
20 augusti, 2020

Member Portal

Hi! Hope you all are well and staying safe! Today I proudly announce that the Member portal is here! The purpose of the portal is that my clients can track their own progress and write their sort of Diarie. They will also be able to write what's difficult and what's easy, this will make it more easy for me as a coach to know what I should tweak on with my respective clients and for them to track their journey…
Victor Kaiser
12 juli, 2020

The Current situation and The future

Hi All and hope you are well and staying safe! Today I am going to talk about upcoming things and what I think about the current situation. Starting with the upcoming things, I will do some new Youtube videos including more interviews with sport celebrities, one review of my Home Theatre soundbar which I got from Sony, a big motivational video, and more to come in the Video Department. I plan to start my own company where I will take…
Victor Kaiser
1 juli, 2020